Every effort will be made to assist you and your family in preparing for your discharge. Planning for your discharge will begin before you are admitted to the hospital if you attend the Pre-Admission Assessment Clinic or following your admission to the hospital, as soon as it is medically possible to do so.
Some people require some extra assistance after they have been discharged home. If you require assistance, then hospital staff and the Discharge Coordinator will help you to plan ahead so that appropriate arrangements can be made before your discharge.
Your length of stay in hospital will depend on your condition. The date of your discharge will be agreed and discussed with you by the consultant and the staff involved in your care.
Please advise your nurse as early as possible during your stay if you think you will have any problems with going home.
Once your discharge date has been confirmed plan your arrangements in advance such as:
- How will you get home?
- Do you have your house keys?
- Who will take your discharge prescription to your local pharmacy and get your medications for you?
- Do you need a medical certificate for your employer?
What Questions should you ask about your Discharge?
- How long will you be in hospital?
- When you leave hospital will you be able to go directly home?
- How soon should you feel better after leaving the hospital?
- When can you return to work?
- Are there any special instructions for your daily activities?
- Will you be able to walk, climb stairs, go to the bathroom, prepare meals and drive etc. after leaving the hospital?
- If you have a wound what care is needed?
- If you need help and care at home after you leave hospital who will help you to arrange this?
- If you need any special equipment after you leave hospital who will help you to arrange this?
- Do you need to have follow-up tests after you leave hospital and if yes how are these arranged?
- Will you need to have other treatment after you leave hospital and if yes how will this be arranged?
- Will you have any follow-up appointments after you leave hospital and if yes how are these arranged?
- Do you need to arrange a follow-up appointment with your General Practitioner after you leave hospital?
- Who can you call if you have any problems after you leave the hospital?