(021) 427 1971    


The Patient Accounts Department is responsible for the collection of all hospital charges for public and private patients.  These charges are set by the Department of Health and Children and can be subject to change. 


Opening Hours Monday -Friday:  9 am - 4 pm (closed for lunch 1 pm - 2 pm). 

• To pay your inpatient bill: Phone 021 4935503
• To pay your emergency department bill: Phone 021 4935244
• For queries, please phone 021 493525


Please come to the main entrance of the hospital and take the first right after Reception (through the doorway) and left after Admissions.


There are a number of ways to pay your bill:

Pay Online: Please click on the following Link to pay your inpatient bill or emergency department bill.


To pay online you will need :

  • Patients Full Name
  • Patients invoice number (as shown on the invoice)
  • Credit/Debit Card Details 

Please phone 021-4935503 with your credit/debit card details and invoice number.

Please make all cheques/drafts payable to the Mercy University Hospital and forward to the Patients Account Dept, Mercy University Hospital, Grenville Place Cork

Public Inpatients and Public Daycase Patients

There are no hospital charges for public inpatient care or day service care. The removal of these charges was announced as part of Budget 2023 and came into effect on 17 April 2023. Inpatient and day service charges still apply for inpatient and day service care up until and including 16 April 2023.  

Private Inpatients and Private Daycase Patients


Private patients are liable for a single, multi occupancy or day case private charge as well as any consultant charges for radiology, pathology and anaesthetics.
The hospital operates a direct payments scheme with Vhi Healthcare, Laya Healthcare, Irish Life Health, St. Paul's Garda Medical Aid Society and Prison Officers' Medical Aid Society (POMAS).

All insurance forms must be completed on or during admission.

We recommend that patients check with their insurance company before admission to the hospital to ensure they are adequately covered for their treatment.  Please inform the Bed Management Unit with any issues +353 (0)21 493 5292.

All patients booked privately from the consultant’s private rooms for any elective admission must be admitted as private patients on the day of admission. 

It is important to note that patients are responsible for the payment of hospital charges in the event of the failure of their insurance company to pay in full or part.

It is important to note that patients are responsible for the payment of hospital charges in the event of the failure of their insurance company to pay in full or part.

Emergency Department Charges

 All patients attending the Emergency Department or Urgent Care Centre are charged an attendance fee of €100 (ED) or €75 (MUCC) as set out by the Department of Health and Children guidelines.

If you present with a valid medical card or General Practitioner (GP) referral letter, you are exempt from this charge


You may be exempt from the statutory inpatient levy and Emergency Department charge if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • Medical card holders (details to be provided on admission).
  • Member of the defence forces and their dependents.
  • Persons receiving services in respect of prescribed infectious diseases.
  • Temporary visitors to Ireland who hold a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
  • Newborn infants under the age of six weeks.
  • People who are entitled to hospital services because of European Union (EU) regulations.
  • Children, in respect of the following diseases and disabilities : "mental handicap, mental illness, phenylketonuria, cystic  fibrosis, spina bifida, hydrocephalus, haemophilia and cerebral palsy.