What is Physiotherapy?
Most people are aware of the role of Physiotherapy in treating common ailments such as back pain and muscle injuries. However Physiotherapists have a wider role in health care and manage conditions such as osteoporosis, incontinence, respiratory conditions including ICU, neurological conditions, falls and balance issues, frailty and health promotion, emergency care, pulmonary rehabilitation and specialist rehabilitation.
About the Team
The main Physiotherapy Department is on the second floor of the main hospital in the Mansion House. However, the physiotherapist will initially review you on the ward if you are an inpatient.
Opening Hours
The outpatient service operates from 7:30 am - 4 pm on Monday to Friday, while the inpatient service operates from 8 am - 5 pm daily, including a weekend service available for respiratory emergency conditions.
Outside of these times an on-call service is available for respiratory emergencies.
Other Information
The Physiotherapy Department is utilised for undergraduate training from the University of Limerick and student physiotherapists may be involved in delivering your rehabilitation, under the supervision of a qualified member of staff. If you prefer to not be seen by a student, please let your physiotherapist know.
The team maintains close links with the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists.