The role of the Haemovigilance office is to ensure the safety of the blood transfusion service within the MUH by promoting the appropriate use of blood, provides education and training, ensuring traceability of blood and blood products in conjunction with the blood bank laboratory, develop and maintain blood transfusion policy and procedural documentation, monitors adverse reactions, near misses and non compliances associated with the blood transfusion service. All of the above is to ensure adherence to the EU blood directive, ISO 15189 2007 and AML-BB standards.
Marian Laverty, CNM2 Haemovigilance Officer
Patricia Phelan, Senior Medical Scientist Blood Transfusion Laboratory Liaison
Patricia Phelan, Senior Medical Scientist Blood Transfusion Laboratory Liaison
Useful Resources
The Laboratory User Manual on the main hospital website under Quick Links. This document contains all the information about the laboratory service relevant to users, from staff contact information, an A-Z of tests available along with the sample types reference ranges and turnaround times and much more useful information
Laboratory Documents:
- A-Z Test Directory Lab User Manual Rev 6
- Lab User Manual Rev. 11
- Service Description for the Pathology Department